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2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree for Sale - Buying & Growing Guide

  •    Pear Surprise Tree
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Pyrus communis sp.
  • Ships in 1-2 days
  • 1-Year Warranty Eligible
  • Pots or accessories are not included unless specified in the product options.
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The 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree, or Pyrus communis sp., is unique compared to most other fruiting plants you'll come across. What makes this tree stand out is that it is not a single species. Instead, the 2-in-1 Pear Surprise tree consists of two pear tree varieties grafted onto a single rootstock. The result is an impressive plant that can provide you with two types of pears each year. 

  • The 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree offers you two different pear types for harvest. 
  • This plant grows quickly and produces fruit at a young age. 
  • This plant is cold hardy as far north as hardiness zone five.

Plant Care



Grow your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree in an area that receives at least six hours of daily sunlight.



Water this plant weekly during the establishment period. Following establishment, provide water during hot and dry weather.



Apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer once per year during the early spring.

Planting and Care

Author Image
by John Haryasz | Horticulture Writer and Landscape Designer – last update on December 5, 2022

Planting instructions

The most important growing requirements for your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree are full sunlight and soil with good drainage. As long as those conditions are in place, your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree should grow well. To plant this tree, begin by digging a hole that is as deep as the root ball is tall and about twice as wide. Place the tree in the hole and backfill the hole while watering. Finish the process by covering the area with a layer of organic mulch.

Watering and nutrients

After you plant your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree, you should give it enough water to maintain consistent soil moisture during the establishment phase. After this tree has adapted to its new growing location, it will need significantly less water. Typically, you’ll only need to water your established 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree during periods of hot and dry weather. Feeding this plant is also easy to do. All you need is a nitrogen-rich, slow-release fertilizer that you can apply once per year in early spring.


Many popular pear trees require cross-pollination to produce fruits. However, since the 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree includes two pear tree varieties on a single plant, it is capable of pollinating itself. Each year, when your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree opens its flowers, insects will arrive to feed on the nectar and move pollen from one flower to another. After a successful pollen transfer, this plant will begin producing two sets of healthy pear fruits that will be ready for harvest in a few months.


Overall, the pruning needs of your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree will be relatively low. In most cases, all you’ll need to do is monitor your plant for dead, broken and diseased limbs. Be sure to remove those limbs using a set of pruning tools that are as sharp and sterile as possible. It is best to perform pruning for your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree during the early spring as the plant is exiting its dormant phase and resuming active growth.

Pests, diseases and animals

While caring for a 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree is generally quite easy, there are a few pest and disease issues that you should watch out for while raising this plant. Several insects can infest your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree, including moths, mites, scale insects, aphids and maggots. Along with those pest threats, this plant also faces the risk of disease. Some of the most common infections that this plant may face include blight, leaf spots and pear scabbing.


If you manage to plant your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree in a suitable location and give it the proper care, you can expect it to reward you with an ample harvest that includes 2 different pear types. The harvest period for this plant can be relatively long, often lasting from early summer to early fall. A typical pear that is ready for harvest will be slightly soft to the touch. In most instances, it should be quite easy to pick pears from your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree using a gentle twisting motion.

Achieving maximum results

While your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree should produce plenty of pears for you to enjoy, you should be somewhat wary of allowing those fruits to remain on the tree for too long. Pears that remain on the tree too long will continue to ripen until they lose their crisp texture. Be sure to pick your pears before this occurs, and make sure to store them in the fridge rather than on the counter to give them a longer shelf life.


Where can a 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree grow?

The 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree is hardy throughout hardiness zones five through eight. This means that this plant is capable of surviving temperatures that drop as low as -10 degrees Fahrenheit. That adaptability to cold makes this plant a viable planting option for those living throughout most of the United States. Gardeners in the South, West, Midwest and Northeast should have no issue growing this plant outdoors year-round.

What is the mature size of a 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree?

The overall size of a 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree can vary somewhat, but most of these plants will end up being around 15 to 20 feet tall with a spread that is about half that size. Generally, it does not take long for this plant to reach that size since this plant has a fast growth rate that allows it to add about two feet of new growth each year.

Can you grow the 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree in a container?

During the early stages of a 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree's life, when the plant remains quite small, it is permissible to grow this tree in a container. However, as this plant matures, it will quickly become too large for a container setting. As such, it is wisest to plant your 2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree in the ground in a location that provides enough space for this plant to achieve its full form.

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Mature height
15-20 ft.
Mature width
8-10 ft.
Sunlight requirement
Full Sun
Growth rate
Botanical name
Pyrus communis sp.
Shipping exclusions
Grows Well In Zones
Growing Zones: 5-8 i Growing zones help determine if a particular plant is likely to grow well in a location. It identifies the average annual minimum winter temperatures across the U.S. provided as a map by the USDA.
(hardy down to -10°F)

2-in-1 Pear Surprise Tree

Pyrus communis sp.
  • Ships in 1-2 days
  • 1-Year Warranty Eligible
  • Pots or accessories are not included unless specified in the product options.
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