

Default Trees Featured Image

Nearly 50% of People Talk to Their Plants and Trees

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The surge in buying plants during pandemic lockdowns was well-documented since, for many of us, our trees and houseplants became constant companions and sources of comfort during a difficult time. Here at, we want to find out how many recent and lifelong plant-owners share our tendency for chatting with the greenery. Could talking with your plants even help them grow stronger?

Hand Tiller in the Garden

As plant-keeping booms during pandemic, 88% of Americans say the hobby has improved their mental health

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From baking bread to putting together puzzles to learning TikTok dances, Americans found many hobbies to keep themselves sane and occupied during the COVID-19 pandemic. Another popular past-time that emerged is plant-keeping. According to a new survey of 1,000 Americans ages 18 to 54 and older, conducted by in partnership with online survey platform Pollfish, two-thirds of Americans used this time to try out their green thumbs and spruce up their homes and gardens with plants.

Tire Planter Garden

14 Awesome Tire Planter Ideas For the Garden You Try Today

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If you’re keen to recycle and help out the environment by repurposing your old belongings that no longer have any use, then you might be interested in learning about the many ways you can re-use old tires to help decorate, your garden. This is a fun and thrifty craft that you can complete by yourself or engage in with children. It gets the creative juices flowing and also gives you an excuse to spend more time outside with loved ones.

Backyard Pond Ideas

21 Backyard Pond Ideas For Inspiration

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There was a time when there was a very limited choice when it came to backyard ponds, but nowadays, there are so many options for creating a pond or water feature in your garden that you can be sure there is a style and maintenance type that will suit anyone.

Online Gardening Stores

12 Best Online Gardening Stores to Bookmark Now

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Searching through gardening websites can be useful if you are looking for a specific product, or you want to know you are getting the best possible deal. However, there are such a huge amount of online gardening stores in existence now, and it can be tricky to know which are reputable and which are worth your time browsing through. To save you time, here is a list of some of the best online gardening stores operating today.

 Lattice Fence Ideas

17 Lattice Fence Ideas For Inspiration

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If you're looking for an alternative to a solid fence or wall around the boundary of your property, then lattice panels could be a good option. These have the advantage of being less expensive than most fence or brick options, and because they are not solidly constructed, they allow light through their gaps and enable you to see through to the spaces beyond. If this sounds like something that could work in your situation, consider these following lattice fence ideas to help rouse your imagination.

Best Plants for a Japanese Garden

9 Best Plants for a Japanese Garden (with Pictures & Care Guides)

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If you want to create a garden oasis that is based on an oriental style, you will need to carefully select plants that are indicative of Japanese culture and history. Fortunately, many plants that are native to Japan thrive in North American and European climates, so they can be easily incorporated into home gardens. For some of the best plants to give your garden a Japanese style, consider these options: