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Fast Growing Trees for Sale - Buying & Growing Guide

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Fast Growing Trees – Buying & Growing Guide

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by John Haryasz | Horticulture Writer and Landscape Designer – last update on December 2, 2021

Mature trees add a noble character to the properties on which they grow. The issue is, it often takes decades for large shade trees to develop. If you want to enjoy tall trees sooner than you thought you could, finding a few fast growing trees is what you should do.

Types of Fast Growing Trees

Type  Growing Zones Mature Height Sun Features
Quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides 1-6 20-50 feet Full sun: 6-8 hours Grayish white bark, leaves shimmer in the wind
River birch, Betula nigra 4-9 40-70 feet Full sun to part shade: 4-8 hours Noteworthy exfoliating bark with pink to tan colors
Pin oak, Quercus palustris  4-8 50-70 feet Full sun: 6-8 hours Hardy street tree with red fall color
Red maple, Acer rubrum 3-9  40-70 feet Full sun to part shade: 4-8 hours Exceptional fall color, smooth grey bark in youth
Eastern cottonwood, Populus deltoides 2-9 50-80 feet Full sun: 6-8 hours Large triangular leaves, growth rate exceeding 3 feet per year
Green giant arborvitae, Thuja ‘Green Giant’ 5-8 40-60 feet Full sun to part shade: 4-8 hours Narrow pointed shape and dense evergreen foliage
Silver maple, Acer saccharinum 3-9 50-80 feet Full sun to part shade: 4-8 hours Fantastic leaf shape, good shade tree
Eastern white pine, Pinus strobus 3-8 50-80 feet Full sun to part shade: 4-8 hours Long needles and noticeable cones
Dawn redwood, Metasequoia glyptostroboides  4-8 70-100 feet Full sun: 6-8 hours Reddish bark, feathery foliage texture
Tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera 4-9 60-90 feet Full sun: 6-8 hours Bold flowers and unique leaf shape, straight trunk

How to Plant and Grow Fast Growing Trees

The first step in planting a tree is to dig a suitable planting hole. The size and shape of your planting hole will depend on your tree’s root ball. The root ball is your tree’s roots and the soil in which they live. This mass often appears wrapped in burlap or a plastic bucket with the trunk rising through the center. 

Notice the size of the root ball, then dig a planting hole that is twice as wide as the root ball. The depth of the planting hole should be slightly less than the height of the root ball. 

Place the tree in the hole and remove the root ball wrapping. After loosening the soil of the root ball and the planting hole, backfill the hole with good soil and water well. 

That process will work well for nearly any tree. However, when planting a fast-growing tree, you should remember each species has its own set of needs. These can include different planting, fertilizing, and ongoing care requirements. For fast-growing trees, it is important to give them plenty of space to grow as they will do so quickly. 

Why Should You Buy a Fast-Growing Tree?

If your yard is in desperate need of some privacy or shade, a fast-growing tree can provide that quicker than any other type of plant. These species add several feet to their total size each growing season. That incredible growth rate allows fast-growing trees to expand their canopies and reach impressive heights in a relatively short time. 

There are several instances in which fast-growing trees can be especially beneficial. Often, an exposed yard can lack privacy and become extremely hot during the summer months. A few fast-growing trees offer a fantastic remedy to those problems. 

Fast-growing trees are also an excellent choice if you are installing a new landscape design. Designs that feature shade trees will live up to expectations much sooner when using fast-growing trees. So whether you are a homeowner or a landscape contractor, using fast-growing trees stands to benefit you.