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Italian Cypress Trees for Sale

  •    Cypress Trees
  • Italian Cypress 3
  • Italian Cypress
1 of 3
Cupressus sempervirens
  • Ships in 1-2 days
  • 1-Year Warranty Eligible
  • Pots or accessories are not included unless specified in the product options.
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Italian Cypress Evergreens are the perfect choice for areas needing tall, narrow trees. They naturally grow high with minimal horizontal spread and a small footprint. This Mediterranean native is highly adaptable and requires little maintenance. Other reasons you might plant some Italian Cypress Trees in your yard include:

  • Cypress Trees were a popular ornamental fixture in ancient civilizations.
  • Cupressus sempervirens is a deer, drought, and fire-resistant variety.
  • It’s common for Cypress Trees to live for hundreds of years.

    Plant Care



    Italian Cypress Evergreen Trees grow best in full sun.



    While young trees should be watered once per week, established trees only need rain and groundwater.



    Fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 5-10-10 is recommended for these trees.

    Planting and Care

    Author Image
    by Jo Cosgrove | Ecological Gardener, Horticulturist, and Educator – last update on December 9, 2021

    Planting instructions

    Choose a sunny location that receives at least eight hours of sun daily. Look for moist, well-draining soil and no overhead obstructions. Cypress Trees do not require nutrient-rich soils as long as they are not soggy. Even so, you may want to add some type of organic material such as compost, manure, evergreen starter fertilizer, or peat moss. Mix these ingredients into the soil you remove from the planting hole. Dig a hole that is the same depth as the tree’s root ball and twice its width. Remove any rocks that are fist-sized or larger, leaving smaller ones to help with drainage. Take out pieces of root or other debris from the hole. Amend the soil as noted above and place the tree into the hole. Spread the roots out without damaging them. Keep the base of the tree about an inch or so above the soil line. Continue backfilling and tamp the soil down before watering deeply. If you form a hedge, space the trees two to three feet apart and plant as above.

    Watering and nutrients

    Young Italian Cypress Trees need regular watering until established. A strict watering schedule can help build strong, upright trees that will not need support as they grow. Once your trees are a year old, you can cut the watering down to a once-a-week deep soaking. Eventually, they will need no supplemental water at all as they will rely on rain and groundwater. One of the most common problems for these trees is due to overwatering. The Cypress Trees do not like soggy ground.


    Italian Cypress Evergreen Trees need little to no pruning. These beauties grow straight up into the sky without horizontal branches. Removal of broken or diseased branches is the only pruning that may be needed as the trees mature. You may also choose to remove branches that are crossing or rubbing each other as well. “Flat top” pruning is controlling the height of your Italian Cypress by clipping off the top of the tree. This works well when your tree is near a corner or building eaves.

    Pests, diseases, and animals

    Italian Cypress Trees do not have any serious, natural enemies. This includes weather extremes and foliage browsing by deer or other animals. Spider mites can become an annoyance if they take up residence in your Cypress Trees. Spraying the trees yourself or having an arborist administer a pest/pathogen management regime can help get rid of them quickly. Check your trees’ health regularly to make sure you do not have any infestations.


    Can I grow an Italian Cypress Tree in a container?

    Yes, Cypress Trees can be grown in containers. Choose a pot with ample room for your tree’s roots to spread out. Make sure there is plenty of drainage. Container-grown Cypress Trees will need well-drained soil. Use a high-quality potting mix or potting soil to provide nutrients and drainage. You can even do a mixture to get the benefits of both types. Keep the container’s soil moist but not soggy or constantly wet. Trees in pots dry out much quicker than those planted in the ground.

    How long does it take an Italian Cypress Tree to grow?

    The average growth rate for the Italian Cypress is from 12 to 24 inches per year. The Italian Cypress has a mature height well over 30 feet, with some older trees reaching 100 plus feet. On average, it would take about 15 to 30 years for the tree to get to 30 feet or more. Some Cypress Trees are very long-lived and reach ages approaching 1,000 years or more. If growing your tree in a container, keep it a more manageable height with judicious pruning. Allowing your tree to become slightly rootbound is another way to keep the tree small.

    Are Italian Cypress Trees poisonous?

    Italian Cypress Trees are considered non-toxic to humans. Even so, it is recommended that no part of the tree be consumed. Cypress Trees are known to be highly poisonous to dogs and horses. Both species may attempt to eat the leaves if left unsupervised. It is good not to plant them where either type of animal has easy access to them.

    How are Italian Cypress Evergreen Trees used?

    These impressive evergreens provide appealing interest to any location. Plant a single tree to add some instant height and focus to your yard. Install a row of them to act as a privacy screen or windbreak. A vertical line of trees across the landscape adds unexpected drama. However you use it, this tree is a perfect choice for any temperate climate garden.

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    Mature width
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    Sunlight requirement
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    Growth rate
    Botanical name
    Cupressus sempervirens
    Shipping exclusions
    Grows Well In Zones
    Growing Zones: 8-10 i Growing zones help determine if a particular plant is likely to grow well in a location. It identifies the average annual minimum winter temperatures across the U.S. provided as a map by the USDA.
    (hardy down to -10°F)

    Italian Cypress Trees

    Cupressus sempervirens
    • Ships in 1-2 days
    • 1-Year Warranty Eligible
    • Pots or accessories are not included unless specified in the product options.
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