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Thundercloud Flowering Plum Trees for Sale - Buying & Growing Guide

  • Thundercloud Flowering Plum
  • Thundercloud-Plum-Tree
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Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud'
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Most flowering plum trees offer an exceptional floral display in spring. While this is true for the Prunus cerasifera ‘Thundercloud,’ there is another reason why this cultivar has so much ornamental value. Throughout the growing season, the leaves of this mid-sized tree hold an impressive purple hue. Here are a few more primary reasons that the Thundercloud flowering plum tree is such a popular addition to residential and commercial planting schemes:

  • Dark purple foliage that maintains its color throughout the entire growing season.
  • Impressive whitish pink flowers in early to mid-spring.
  • Small edible fruits that taste great in jams.

Plant Care



Requires full sunlight or partial shade conditions.



When young, water at least twice per week. After establishment, reduce watering to once every two weeks.



Fertilize once in the spring with a general-purpose fertilizer.

Planting and Care

Author Image
by John Haryasz | Horticulture Writer and Landscape Designer – last update on January 24, 2022

Planting instructions

For the most part, the process for planting a Thundercloud flowering plum tree is similar to that of any other tree species. But there are a few additional details you should keep in mind. You should make sure not to plant a Thundercloud flowering plum tree too deep in the ground. This species can struggle to establish its root system when the roots are too far below the ground’s surface. Beyond that, you should seek slightly acidic soil that has good drainage. A full sun planting location will help encourage the best leaf color.

Watering and nutrients

The Thundercloud flowering plum tree has average water needs. After planting, this tree will need more water than usual, as is the case with most other plants. But make sure that the soil does not remain saturated for too long. Thundercloud flowering plum trees do not perform well in soil that is constantly wet. The best way to avoid that is to plant this tree in an area with good soil drainage.


The flowers of Thundercloud flowering plum trees include both male and female components. That fact allows this tree to self-pollinate, which is not true for many other fruit trees. The fragrant flowers of this tree will attract bees as well as other insects. Those visitors make it easy for pollination to occur.


Thundercloud flowering plum trees have minimal pruning requirements. Often, mature specimens will live with little to no need for yearly pruning. If you do choose to prune your Thundercloud flowering plum tree, doing so can help produce greater quantities of flowers and fruits in the following season. It’s best to prune while the tree is in its dormant phase.

Pests, diseases, and animals

Unfortunately, Thundercloud flowering plum tree can fall victim to many different ailments. The long list of afflictions that this tree can face include insect infestation, root rot, powdery mildew, and several more issues. One of the most common disease problems that will arise with Thundercloud flowering plum tree is a fungal infection that causes black knot. Black knot is a condition in which abnormal growths appear on the tree’s branches. These growths can disrupt the flow of nutrients and moisture through the tree.


People do not tend to grow Thundercloud flowering plum trees for their fruit. The ornamental characteristics are often a stronger motivating factor. But that does not mean that this tree’s fruit is not edible. Each year, this tree will produce small round fruits that are purple and edible. Look for these fruits after the flowers fade. Consider picking them to make a jelly or jam.


Before we conclude this guide to the Thundercloud flowering plum tree, let’s explore a few typical concerns that people have regarding this plant. Below are answers to a few of the most common questions that people have about this species.

Do Thundercloud flowering plum trees require a lot of maintenance?

Generally, this plant does not require a high amount of maintenance. After establishing itself in a new growing location, a Thundercloud flowering plum tree has minimal care requirements. It can also resist moderate degrees of drought-like conditions. The main issues with this plant come in the form of diseases and pests. Other than that, you won’t need to pay any special attention to a healthy Thundercloud flowering plum tree.

How large does a Thundercloud flowering plum tree grow?

Part of the reason that the Thundercloud flowering plum tree is so popular in residential settings is that it is not an extremely large tree. Instead, this ornamental species maintains a manageable size even when it reaches full maturity. The largest Thundercloud flowering plum trees grow to be around 15 to 30 feet tall and 15 to 25 feet in spread.

How long do Thundercloud flowering plum trees live?

In most instances, the age of one of these trees will top out at two decades. The fact that this plant can contract many diseases does not help its longevity. Infestations and diseases can cause a Thundercloud flowering plum tree to decline more rapidly than it normally would. But even if you keep your specimen disease-free, you cannot expect it to have a long life.

Why are my Thundercloud flowering plum tree’s leaves turning green?

At times, the leaves of the Thundercloud flowering plum trees begin to take on a green color rather than the iconic purple for which it is popular. This happens when the plant is not receiving enough sunlight. The best way to avoid this is to choose a sunny location to plant your Thundercloud flowering plum tree. Doing so ensures that you will get to enjoy the deep colors of this plant’s foliage throughout each growing season.

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Customer Reviews

Verified Buyer June 22, 2020 at 11:04am
ratingThundercloud plumb tree

Came in a sturdy cardboard box. The tree was in very good condition . Easy planting instructions . It's been planted about two weeks now & is doing well.

Mature height
15-20 ft.
Mature width
15-20 ft.
Sunlight requirement
Full Sun
Growth rate
Botanical name
Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud'
Shipping exclusions
Grows Well In Zones
Growing Zones: 5-8 i Growing zones help determine if a particular plant is likely to grow well in a location. It identifies the average annual minimum winter temperatures across the U.S. provided as a map by the USDA.
(hardy down to -10°F)

Thundercloud Flowering Plum Trees

Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud'
  • Ships in 1-2 days
  • 1-Year Warranty Eligible
  • Pots or accessories are not included unless specified in the product options.
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